Govt Assures Media Council Bill Tabled In Next Sitting

The government assures that the Malaysian Media Council bill will be tabled during the Third Meeting of the Third Session of the 15th Parliament, which is slated to begin in mid-October, said Deputy Communications Minister Teo Nie Ching.

The Communications Ministry said it is currently in the final stage of finalising the content of the bill together with the Protem Committee of the Malaysian Media Council which consists of representatives of the media industry, academics, and the public.

“This is to ensure that the provisions in the bill are clear and that the establishment of the media council will meet the objectives,” she said.

The proposed establishment of the Malaysian Media Council is to develop and implement a code of reporting ethics that can empower the nation’s journalism profession and ensure news reporting by the media is done responsibly.

It also promotes communication between media practitioners, government, and the general public and supports the professional development of journalists and media organisations.

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