Bursa Bound JPG Awarded BioNexus Status By MOSTI

JPG Greenergy Ventures Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Johor Plantations Group Berhad has been awarded BioNexus Status by the Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation under MOSTI, which gives companies in the biotechnology sector with benefits including fiscal incentives, funding, investment facilitation and advisory services.

JPG said it had secured a 15-year gas-purchase agreement with Gas Malaysia Green Ventures Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Gas Malaysia Virtual Pipeline Sdn Bhd). This agreement allows the injection of purified biomethane gas directly into the Natural Gas Distribution System (“NGDS”) for a commitment of 250,000 MMBtu per year. This project, which contributes to about 97,889 metric tonnes CO 2 eq avoided, signifies the positive impact of their waste management solution in the palm oil mill industry in line with Malaysia’s renewable energy landscape and environmental goals.

    MOSTI Minister Chan Lih Kang said this recognition will also enable companies such as JPG to continue developing and
    innovating new technologies that can bring Malaysia closer to achieving its goals of becoming a high-technology country by 2030. Additionally, biotechnology is an enabler that not only provides a solution to waste management but also contributes to the bigger agenda of decarbonisation. As Malaysia has about 450 mills and with 10 biogas projects similar to JPG’s, it
    is estimated that we can reduce CO 2 equivalent by 1.2 million tonnes. Hence, I would urge more industry players to emulate JPG’s commitment and harness the potential of waste to wealth to accelerate the sustainability agenda in Malaysia,”

    Johor Plantations Group Berhad is poised for Bursa main market listing in coming weeks.

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