Ecofirst Excutive Director Dato Teoh Stepping Down

Ecofirst Consolidated announced that its Executive Director/President Dato Dr Teph Seng Foo has decided to resign with effective 30 June to pursue other interests.

He is a brother to Teoh Seng Aun and Dato’ Teoh Seng Kian (who is also Executive Director), who are substantial shareholders of the Companym Dato Teah holds indirect interest of 1,415,000 Ordinary Shares (0.120%) Indirect – 702,500 Warrants 2021/2026 (0.166%) in the company.

Dato’ Teoh was appointed to the Board on 5 May 1997. He was re-designated from the position of an Executive Deputy Chairman to President/Non-Independent Executive Director on 1 December 2009. 

An accountant by profession, Dato’ Teoh has wide corporate experience, having held senior management positions in multinational corporations such as Intel Technology, Woodward & Dickerson Inc., Coopers & Lybrand (now Pricewaterhouse Coopers) and Esquel Group.

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