MDEC and MOHE Unite For Digital Transformation

The Ministry of Digital, through the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and the Ministry of Higher Education (KPT), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The Ministry of Digital, through the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to bolster cooperation in accelerating the nation’s digital development. This strategic partnership aims to enhance the development of digital talent in Malaysia and improve the employability of graduates in digital technology and entrepreneurship fields.

The MoU, signed at the Sabah Oil, Gas & Energy Conference and Exhibition (SOGCE) in Kota Kinabalu, outlines several collaborative initiatives designed to benefit students, lecturers, and the higher education ecosystem. These initiatives include Training and Course Programs, Reskilling and Upskilling Training, Professional Education and Certification Programs, Knowledge and Expertise Sharing, Exploration of New Technological Opportunities, ‘Digital Freelance’ and ‘Global Outsourcing Talent’ GIG Initiatives, and the eEntrepreneur Program.

MDEC and MOHE also introduced the ‘Premier Digital Tech Institution (PDTI) Tech Club,’ focusing on enhancing students’ skills. The ‘PDTI Tech Club’ aims to benefit 5,000 students in 2024 through practical experiences, the latest technology skills, and industry expert learning, including partnerships with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and IBM SkillBuild.

Ts. Mahadhir Aziz, CEO of MDEC, highlighted the importance of this collaboration, noting that it reflects MDEC’s commitment to supporting MOHE in developing digital technology experts. This initiative aligns with Malaysia Digital (MD) strategic goals to position Malaysia as the ASEAN digital hub. The partnership has already resulted in significant milestones, such as the establishment of Malaysia’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Faculty at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

MDEC and KPT have launched the ‘Premier Digital Tech Institution (PDTI) Tech Club’.

The MoU signing ceremony, held at Nexus Ballroom 3, Bangsar South, was attended by key figures including YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Haji Megat Sany bin Megat Ahmad Supian, Deputy Secretary-General (Policy) of MOHE, YBhg Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang, Secretary-General of MOHE, YBrs. Tuan Fabian Bigar, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Digital, and YB Tuan Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, Chairman of MDEC. This collaboration marks a significant step towards enhancing Malaysia’s digital capabilities and fostering a robust digital ecosystem.

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