BNM Adds 6 Into Consumer Watchlist Including Etoro Investment (Not The European Entity)

Bank Negara Malaysia has updated the Financial Consumer Alert list and has added 6 new entities which the central bank does not recognise for its financial services offerred.

BNM notes the list consists of companies and websites that are neither authorised nor approved under the relevant laws and regulations administered. It has advised while the list is not exhaustive and only serves as a guide to members of the public based on information and queries received, it does caution the public.

The following companies were added to the list:

  1. Emar Markets
  2. HF Markets and HF Markets (SV) Pty Ltd
  3. AVAPartner and AVATrade
  4. JustMarkets
  5. Etoro Investment (not the Europe based company but an imposter)
  6. I Investment 254
  7. Take note that the latest updates on Najmuldin Exchanger, FBS Malaysia and MIDF Investment Scheme are also available in the Financial Consumer Alert list.
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