PM On Right Trajectory But Needs Team To Align

Callistus Anthony of SPCAAM says Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is proving to have a deft touch in navigating the strained US-China relationship, courting investments from both countries. He is doing so to both international acclaim and consternation. Whilst some international commentators see this as a clever play on his part, others are disappointed that he is not choosing one side over the other.

The international labour advisor said a lot of criticism is stemming from the West, where the western influenced media would point to reasons as to why Anwar should not cozy up to China. The real reason for the angst of the West is that the rise of China and India is now serving a real threat to the neoliberal and neo-imperialist Western agenda. The visit of China’s Premier, Li Qiang, has ruffled some feathers as is evident through reports and opinions of the Western media. Notablly, he pointed out that Anwar is right in doing what is right for Malaysia, and not be led by any particular dogma or partisan interest. What works best for Malaysia and her people is what the government should focus on. Callistus noted the biggest challenge for the Prime Minister is that the unity government which he helms is not entirely running in the same direction as he is.

He added the balanced social, political and economic agenda which the PM aspired for is being thwarted by communal and big-business interests. Political parties within his government, such as the Barisan Nasional and even the DAP are largely communal based parties. The shift towards a more dynamic, prosperous and equitable Malaysia can only be achieved if we truly dismantle the type of politics that has divided Malaysia along racial and religious lines.

Big business has seen to it that Malaysians are divided into two halves economically – with a small minority seeing their wealth expand exponentially and a growing number of people finding it difficult to eke out a decent living. Pro-business and anti-labour policies, through the lobby of big business in the country, has been the norm. Little has been achieved by the Madani government to correct this imbalance. Ministries such as the Ministry of Human Resources have only accentuated
the divide between the rich and poor in the country.

Callistus affirmed that the Prime Minister is on the right trajectory strategically, and now needs his government to line
up behind him.

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