Budi Madani Subsidy Aid Programme Open For Application

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) today (May 27) announced details of the Program Bantuan Subsidi MADANI or for eligible individuals owning diesel vehicles, as well as agriculture and commodity smallholders.

This follows from Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s National Address last week that the Cabinet has decided to implement targeted subsidies on diesel fuel for users in Peninsular Malaysia.

Eligible individual owners of diesel vehicles, including small farmers and plantation smallholders, can apply for BUDI MADANI that opens on May 28, 2024.

Diesel vehicle owners who are eligible based on a given set of criteria can apply under the BUDI Individu category, whereas agriculture and commodity smallholders may apply under the BUDI Agri-Komoditi category.

Recipients under both categories will receive RM200 per month in conjunction with the implementation of diesel subsidy targeting.

To be eligible for BUDI Individu, the following criteria apply:

1. Applicant must be Malaysian;

2. Applicant owns diesel-based personal vehicles as registered with the JPJ that are not luxury vehicles under 10 years of age;

3. The vehicles must have an active road tax;

4. Annual individual or joint income of RM100,000 and below.

Applications will be cross-referenced with data from the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to exclude luxury vehicles that are less than 10 years old, and earners in the Top-20-Percentile Income (T20) category.

Meanwhile, the eligibility citeria for BUDI Agri-Komoditi are as follows:

1. Applicant must already be registered as a farmer or a smallholder with the relevant agency under the appropriate ministries specifically Ministry of Agriculture & Food Security (KPKM), or Ministry of Plantation & Commodities (KPK).

2. Applicant must be an active agriculture or commodity smallholder, defined as generating an annual turnover of between RM50,000 and RM300,000.

Early application for BUDI Individu and BUDI Agri-Komiditi by mid-June 2024

Applications for BUDI MADANI through its website https://budimadani.gov.my, is open throughout the year. Eligible applicants who apply by 3 June 2024 and are approved for cash assistance, will receive their first cash assistance by mid-June 2024, and on a monthly basis thereafter.

Approved applications after 3 June 2024 will receive their first cash assistance within two weeks and on a monthly basis thereafter.

The cash assistance will be credited into the individual’s bank accounts every month. Individuals without bank accounts will be able to collect their BUDI Individu cash assistance at any Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) branch throughout Peninsular Malaysia.

To apply and learn more about BUDI MADANI’s eligibility criteria, please visit

https://budimadani.gov.my, or for assistance, contact the BUDI MADANI helpline at 1-800-88- 2747 / 03-8882 4565 / 03-8882 4566 or e-mail: [email protected]. Assistance and further information can also be sought at all LHDNM offices in Peninsular Malaysia.

Complements MySubsidi Diesel Fleet Card Programme

The BUDI MADANI programme complements the Government’s existing efforts to target diesel subsidy through the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living’s MySubsidi Diesel system. To date, nearly 90,000 fleet cards have been issued to land transport and logistics companies.

The fleet cards allow eligible logistics companies to purchase subsidised diesel at fuel retail stations, ensuring minimal cost impact to the logistics and supply value chain, directly reducing the risk of price increases for the rakyat.

Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan, Finance Minister II, said: “With the BUDI MADANI roll-out, the government has expanded the cove rage for assistance to individuals and agriculture and commodity smallholders ahead of targeted diesel subsidy implementation.

“As the Prime Minister has iterated consistently, targeted subsidies is a key reform measure under the Ekonomi MADANI framework, to build a financially sustainable and competitive Malaysia.

“An all-of-government approach is being undertaken to ensure the mechanism of targeted subsidy for diesel is comprehensive, efficient, and can effectively reach the majority of rakyat,” he added.

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