Sunway College And Victoria University Celebrate 30 Years Of Partnership

Victoria University (VU) and Sunway College celebrated 30 years of successful partnership with a gala dinner, emphasising their contributions to education in Malaysia. The event underscored the significant achievements and ongoing collaboration between the two institutions.

The dinner was attended by notable figures including Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Sir Jeffrey Cheah KBE AO, Founder and Chairman of the Sunway Group, and Professor Adam Shoemaker, Vice Chancellor and President of Victoria University.

Tan Sri Sir Jeffrey Cheah, reflecting on his time as a business student at Victoria University’s Melbourne campus, said, “The exposure to wider views, diverse thinking, and rigorous debates made a deep and lasting impression on me that I vowed, one day, to make such opportunities available to more young people in Malaysia.”

The Victoria University @ Sunway programme is distinguished by its innovative approaches, such as the twinning programme, block model, and Business Challenge units. These initiatives have prepared students with the skills needed to thrive in today’s workforce.

Dr Jason Cheok, Director of Programme at Victoria University @ Sunway, highlighted the programme’s pioneering role in introducing the Block Model learning structure. “Having been with the Victoria University programme at Sunway for 22 years, I proudly affirm our pioneering role in offering the Block Model learning structure at the VU programme in Sunway. Victoria University is the first university in Australia and Malaysia, and the largest globally, to adopt this innovative teaching model, inspired by successful practices in North America and Europe,” he stated.

Dickson Pua, Founder of Strive and Victoria University alumnus, shared his experiences. “As a VU alumnus, the learning journey extends far beyond graduation. We’re encouraged to maintain connections with fellow alumni and lecturers, fostering collaboration and celebrating collective achievements. VU’s practical approach equipped me to tackle real-world challenges, empowering me to confidently apply my knowledge in my own business endeavours,” Pua said.

The celebration highlighted the enduring and fruitful partnership between Victoria University and Sunway College, marking three decades of dedication to advancing education in Malaysia.

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