GSPARX: Turning Rooftops To Hot Assets

Malaysia has set an ambitious goal of reaching a 31% share of renewable energy (RE) in the national installed capacity mix by 2025. This commitment aligns with the country’s broader climate objectives, including a 45% reduction in economy-wide carbon intensity by 2030 compared to 2005 levels.

To drive this transition and support further decarbonisation of the electricity sector, Malaysia has developed the Malaysia Renewable Energy Roadmap (MyRER), extending its vision through 2035. This roadmap aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the power sector, thereby facilitating Malaysia’s achievement of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Specifically, Malaysia targets a 45% reduction in GHG emission intensity per unit of GDP by 2030 and a subsequent 60% reduction by 2035.

A pivotal aspect of this transition is the increased adoption of renewable energy sources, notably solar power. Solar energy stands out for its sustainable attributes, characterised by cleanliness, environmental friendliness, independence from other energy sources, low maintenance requirements, safety and the potential for reducing electricity bills.

At the forefront of Malaysia’s drive towards carbon neutrality is GSPARX. In an interview with BusinessToday NetZero 2050, Elmie Fairul Mashuri, Managing Director of GSPARX, highlighted the company’s role as a prominent provider of solar photovoltaic (PV) system solutions in the country. 

He explains, “GSPARX is actively contributing to carbon neutrality through four strategic initiatives, positioning itself as an end-to-end solar expert capable of innovating and adapting their strategies to make solar more accessible and affordable for customers.”

Meeting Net Zero Agenda 

In line with Malaysia’s commitment to achieving a net-zero agenda, GSPARX has taken significant strides toward promoting renewable energy adoption and sustainability. Here’s how they’re leading the charge:

  1. Solar PV System Deployment: GSPARX stands as a trailblazer in the renewable energy industry by offering a comprehensive range of solar PV system solutions tailored for residential, commercial and industrial clients. These installations play a pivotal role in reducing dependence on fossil fuel-based electricity generation, consequently curbing CO2 emissions associated with power production.
  1. Energy Efficiency and Storage Solutions: Beyond solar PV installations, GSPARX is delving into energy efficiency solutions and energy storage systems to optimise energy usage and maximise the benefits of solar power. Integrating solar PV with energy storage technologies facilitates better management of intermittent renewable energy generation, thus reducing peak electricity demand and further mitigating CO2 emissions.
  2. Education and Awareness Initiatives: Through outreach programmes, workshops and educational campaigns, GSPARX empowers individuals and organisations to make informed decisions about adopting solar PV systems. These efforts help to shape the mindset of businesses and the general public regarding solar and its benefits in reducing their carbon footprint while enabling significant savings on electricity bills.
An aerial view of how rooftops are fully utilised to power a shopping mall in KL
  1. Partnerships and Collaborations: GSPARX collaborates with government agencies, businesses, property developers, and other stakeholders to expedite the deployment of solar PV systems, aligning with Malaysia’s carbon reduction targets. Leveraging the large rooftop estate these entities have, GSPARX is able to deploy large-scale solar PV installations on commercial and industrial premises. Leveraging expertise backed by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), GSPARX assesses energy needs, designs customised solar solutions, and offers financing options, incentives and tiered packages to facilitate easy adoption of a smarter and greener business operation.

By focusing on these strategies, GSPARX is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in helping Malaysia achieve its CO2 reduction goals and transition toward carbon neutrality by 2050.

Elmie emphasises Malaysia’s untapped potential for solar energy is due to abundant sunlight resources and favourable regulatory frameworks. With declining solar PV costs and technological advancements, the country has abundant opportunities to accelerate solar energy adoption and emerge as a regional leader in renewable energy.

Regarding solar energy uptake, GSPARX notes a steady increase in recent years driven by government incentives, cost reductions, environmental awareness, and growing energy demand. However, compared to mature solar markets globally, Malaysia’s uptake remains moderate.

Malaysia has made commendable progress in implementing policies and incentives to promote solar energy adoption. Initiatives such as the Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme and Large Scale Solar (LSS) projects have stimulated interest and investment. Yet, compared to countries with higher solar penetration rates, Malaysia’s installed capacity could be further enhanced.

Recognising this, the government is facilitating the increase of RE installation at a faster pace by implementing Third Party Access (TPA) in the electricity supply industry come September 2024. It enables independent energy producers of RE to sell electricity directly to consumers. Through this programme, GSPARX can further assist TNB customers to increase their RE adoption as an independent RE producer.

Public awareness and education are crucial for driving solar energy uptake, too. Initiatives like the Malaysia Energy Literacy Programme (MELP) aim to nurture an energy-literate society, driving support for energy sustainability and the transition to renewables, including solar.

In summary, while Malaysia has made strides in promoting solar energy uptake, there’s room for further acceleration. Continued policy support, investment in infrastructure, public education, and stakeholder collaboration are vital for Malaysia to realise its sustainable and solar-powered future.

Perks To Go Sustainable 

Incentives play a crucial role in driving the transition towards sustainable energy sources like solar power. The government, together with ministries and agencies, has introduced multiple initiatives and perks aimed at encouraging solar adoption and fostering a greener future, namely:

  1. Net Energy Metering (NEM) and SELCO Schemes: These schemes allow customers to install solar PV systems on their rooftops and offset their electricity consumption with on-site solar energy generation. Under the NEM Scheme, excess electricity can be exported to the grid, reducing TNB bills. The SELCO Scheme allows for larger capacity installations up to 85% Maximum Demand load, subject to certain regulations, enabling more extensive solar adoption.
  2. Green Investment Tax Allowance (GITA): Companies investing in green technology projects, including rooftop solar installations, can benefit from tax incentives. The GITA scheme offers tax exemptions up to 60% of the qualifying capital expenditure, providing financial incentives for businesses to invest in renewable energy.
  3. Green Technology Financing Scheme: This scheme offers financing at preferential rates for green technology projects, including rooftop solar installations. It provides accessible financing options to support upfront costs and encourages wider adoption of renewable energy technologies among businesses and individuals.
  4. Green Building Incentives: Some local authorities offer incentives for green buildings, including those with rooftop solar installations. These incentives may include expedited permit approvals, reduced development charges, or additional floor area ratio allowances, promoting the incorporation of renewable energy systems in building design.
  5. Solar For Rakyat Incentive Scheme (SolaRIS): Launched by the government recently, this incentive programme aims to increase residential solar adoption and contribute towards the renewable energy capacity of Malaysia to 70% by 2050 while reducing carbon emissions. SolaRIS helps overcome cost barriers associated with solar adoption, making renewable energy more accessible to the general public.
  6. Solar BOLEH! (People’s Solar Transition Initiative): This initiative encourages domestic customers to benefit from the national energy transition agenda by facilitating access to solar installation schemes and financing facilities. It aims to accelerate solar adoption among the public, driving the transition to sustainable energy.
  7. Public auction of unbundled RECs and GET blocks: Green attributes like unbundled Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and GET blocks can be auctioned to potential Malaysian buyers amongst the commercial and industrial sectors via Malaysia’s first REC trading platform, mGATS (Malaysia Green Attribute Trading System). Managed by TNB’s wholly-owned subsidiary, TNBX Sdn Bhd, the platform serves as the national marketplace to facilitate trading of RECs in a more efficient, systematic and holistic manner. 
Aeon Mall Shah Alam Rooftop

Elmie emphasises that accelerating solar uptake requires a multifaceted approach, addressing potential blockers and improving customer accessibility. Key strategies include financial rebates, long-term solar programmes, simplified installation processes, education, talent development, and smart technologies.

Elmie notes, “By implementing these strategies alongside existing incentives and initiatives, players in the solar industry can collaborate to accelerate residential and commercial solar installations, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient energy future.”

What Sets GSPARX Apart

GSPARX stands out as a strong market leader in the solar energy industry, boasting an impressive track record of securing over 370MWp of rooftop solar PV systems over a five-year period. In addition to its prowess in delivering tailored rooftop solar solutions,  GSPARX’s unique investment model in solar installations provides a competitive edge in the market.

The company specialises in designing and implementing bespoke rooftop solar solutions for a diverse clientele spanning commercial, industrial, and residential sectors. Leveraging an in-depth understanding of local regulatory landscapes, the company navigates complex requirements seamlessly, ensuring smooth project execution.

Completed rooftop solar project in Shah Alam

A key differentiator lies in GSPARX’s commitment to investing in rooftop solar installations, showcasing its confidence in the long-term viability and sustainability of solar energy. 

Elmie says “By investing alongside clients, GSPARX aligns its interests with the client, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships beyond conventional vendor-client relationships. This investment approach enables innovative financing options like power purchase agreements (PPAs), broadening access to solar energy for a wider customer base.”

Moreover, the MD highlights the talented team at GSPARX with first-hand knowledge and experience from working at TNB, Malaysia’s utility giant. Their invaluable experience offers insights into the energy sector’s intricacies, regulatory frameworks, and operational nuances, further enhancing the company’s capabilities.

It is worth noting that GSPARX’s specialisation in rooftop solar installations and solar investments positions it as a comprehensive solution provider in the solar industry. Backed by TNB’s reputable and established status, clients gain access to extensive knowledge and experienced capabilities. They can trust in the quality and reliability of GSPARX’s products and services, knowing they adhere to TNB’s high standards.

Furthermore, the company can offer integrated solutions from TNB’s portfolio, including energy efficiency solutions, smart energy management systems, and potential access to TNB’s grid infrastructure for energy storage or grid connectivity. This collaboration ensures the durability, longevity, and financial stability of GSPARX’s offerings, reducing the risk of disruptions or uncertainties.

With TNB’s extensive experience powering Malaysia for over 75 years, GSPARX is well-versed in the country’s regulatory requirements and compliance standards in the energy industry. 

Looking into the future, GSPARX is partnering with developers to deliver solar-ready houses and explore battery energy storage systems, driving renewable energy (RE) adoption and sustainable development while reaffirming its commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship.

“We at GSPARX are all geared up to foster greater participation in the development of the RE sector. Together, we can accelerate the nation’s energy transition responsibly,” he concludes.

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