Edotco Launches Program To Assist SME’s Raise Their Standards

EDOTCO Malaysia, unveiled an industry-first capacity development program aimed at giving opportunities for suppliers and business partners, primarily Malaysian SMEs, to elevate their capabilities and competitiveness in the digital infrastructure sector and play a crucial role in the industry’s growth.

The Vendor Development Program (VDP), first introduced in 2018, is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing the capabilities of vendors to better align with EDOTCO’s operational standards and strategic goals. edotco said the newly improved VDP will cover five critical dimensions in the tower industry: Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), Occupational Health & Safety (OHS), Integrity, Business Continuity Management, and Rollout Operations. The program’s modules are developed to ensure globally accepted key concepts and practices from industry guidelines, standards and regulations, such as the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals by the UN, ISO 45001 by the International Organization for Standardization, and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act by the Malaysian Government, are easily understandable and adaptable.

The VDP was launched with its first cohort of over 150 vendors. The program begins with the ESG dimension, giving participants access to the Government’s Skim Insentif Kelestarian, a program designed by the Centre for Entrepreneur Development & Research (CEDAR), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SME Bank, and co-developed with UNGC Malaysia & Brunei. As ESG compliance gains attention from Bank Negara and the Securities Commission, this module helps EDOTCO’s SME vendors and business partners to adopt sustainable practices and potentially qualify for the ESG Adoption Fund grant, worth RM40,000, allocated by the Government.

Additionally the comopany is preparing its supply chain to align with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for Scope 3 GHG emissions.

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